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Ana Karina Hernandez Monterrosa - Definition and Process Paragraphs

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Ana Karina Hernandez Monterrosa

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According to Floraly.com, the meaning of daisy flowers can be “purity, innocence, new beginnings, joy and cheerfulness.” But the meaning can depend on the color of the daisy as well. For example:; white daisies mean “purity and innocence”, the yellow ones represent “joy, friendship and cheerfulness” and the pink ones symbolize “platonic love, romance and feminine energies”.
To grow daisies from seeds in your garden you have to sow the seeds in the spring when the soil hits 70 degrees Ffahrenheit. Planting them in a sunny spot is mandatory since daisies need light to germinate. Cover the seeds with “an eighth of an inch of soil so that the sunlight can still reach the seeds.” Keep the soil moist as much as you can and wait for them to germinate in 10 to 20 days.
The Daisy Flower: Meanings, Images & Insights | Floraly.

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