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Carmen Sánchez

¡Estudia con miles de materiales!

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I should like to acknowledge the help which the following have, largely 
unwittingly, given me. 
Firstly, my wife Babs, for encouragement when I most needed it. 
Secondly, to my many friends and colleagues in the pump industry 
who, largely unconsciously, have helped me in the preparation of this 
volume. In particular: 
Charlie Cinnamond, who first fostered my interest in pumping 
Ken Newton and Alan English, who helped me with a number of the 
drawings I have used; 
Also, Brian Nesbitt, and my daughter Zena for some of the case studies 
referenced in the book; 
Dr Paul Cooper, upon whose shoulders I frequently stood to get a 
better view into the anatomy of pump hydraulics; 
The late Jan Slaghekke, for helping me see further than the issues of 
pump performance, and to equally embrace the influences of the pump 
finally, the late Harold Anderson who, during his life, exerted a 
substantial influence on most British pump engineers. 

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