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Adverbs in English

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Uriel Famozo

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Adverbios en inglés
Retrieved & adapted from: https://et2.ef-cdn.com/dam/englishtown/mx/landingpages/downloads/ef-english-live-adverbios.pdf
Los adverbios sirven para modificar o precisar el significado de otras palabras. Normalmente modifican verbos, diciéndonos cómo, con qué frecuencia, cuándo, o dónde sucede algo. El adverbio va detrás del verbo que modifica. 
The bus moved slowly. 
The bears ate greedily. 
The car drove fast. 
Los adverbios pueden modificar los adjetivos, aumentando o disminuyendo su intensidad. 
You look absolutely fabulous!
He is slightly overweight. 
You are very persistent. 
Algunos tipos de adverbios pueden modificar otros adverbios, afectando a su grado o precisión. 
She played the violin extremely well. 
You’re speaking too quietly.
Formar adverbios a partir de adjetivos
En la mayoría de los casos, un adverbio se forma añadiendo -ly a un adjetivo. 
Adjetivo 	Adverbio 
cheap 		cheaply 
quick 		quickly
slow 		slowly
Si el adjetivo termina en -y, se sustituye y por i antes de añadir la terminación adverbial -ly 
Adjetivo		 Adverbio 
easy 		easily 
angry 		angrily 
happy 		happily 
lucky 		luckily 
Si el adjetivo termina en -able, -ible o -le, se sustituye esa última -e por -y. 
Adjetivo 		Adverbio 
probable 		probably 	
terrible 		terribly 
gentle 		gently 
Si el adjetivo termina en -ic, se añade -ally. Excepción: public -> publicly 
Adjetivo 		Adverbio 
basic 		basically 
tragic 		tragically 
Economic		economically
Otros casos
Ciertos adverbios son idénticos a los adjetivos: early, fast, hard, high, late, near, straight, wrong 
It is a fast car.
He drives very fast.
This is a hard exercise.
He works hard.
We saw many high buildings. The bird flew high in the sky. 
Well es el adverbio que corresponde al adjetivo good. 
He is a good student.
He studies well.
She is a good pianist. She plays the piano well. They are good swimmers. They swim well. 
Comparativo y Superlativo de los adverbios 
Con los adverbios terminados en -ly, se utiliza more para formar el comparativo y most para formar el superlativo. 
Adverbio 	Comparativo		Superlativo 
quietly 	more quietly 		most quietly
slowly 	more slowly		most slowly
seriously 	more seriously 	 most seriously 
The teacher spoke more slowly to help us to understand. Could you sing more quietly please? 
En el caso de adverbios cortos que no terminan en -ly, las formas comparativas y superlativas son idénticas a los adjetivos: se añade -er para formar el comparativo y -est para formar el superlativo. Si el adverbio termina en e, se elimina esta última vocal antes de añadir la terminación. 
Adverbio 	Comparativo 		Superlativo 
hard 	harder 		hardest
fast 	faster 		fastest 
late 	later 		latest 
Jim works harder than his brother.
Everyone in the race ran fast, but John ran the fastest of all. 
Ciertos adverbios tienen formas irregulares en el comparativo y superlativo. 
Adverbio 	Comparativo 		Superlativo 
badly 	worse 		worst
far 	farther/further 	farthest/furthest 
little 	less 		least 
well 	better 		best

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