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Activity 3 too much-too many-food

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Activity 3 too much-too many-food 
write 10 sentences using the grammar of the class and the food 
1. Jack always gives too much rice, you shouldn't eat at his house! 
2. Some people have too much money. What do they do with it all? 
3. The doctor told me not to drink too much coffee. 
4. In the city of Guayaquil. There is too much traffic 
5. I drank too much cola, because I was thirsty. 
6. In Ecuador there are places that have too many tourists, especially in 
7. My friend Lily is addicted to too many videogames. She can play for 
hours sometimes! 
8. In my opinion Windows Vista had too many problems. I prefer Windows 8 
9. North Korea is very crowded, there’s just too many people! 
10. Alex eats too many mangoes, because he is hungry.

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