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Actividad 5 - Lectura 3 - Object-Oriented Programming in PHP - OCHOA PRECIADO ENRIQUE DE JESUS

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Object-Oriented Programming in PHP 
for Beginners 
Ochoa Preciado Enrique de Jesús 
Universidad de Colima, Ingeniería en 
Software, 4°D. March 09, 2022. 
Abstract—Oriented-Object Programming in different languages 
was a very useful tool, because makes easier the coding for 
different web pages and software. The programming language 
PHP It’s the most used language to make different web pages and 
web applications; we can use O.O.P to optimize and makes clean 
code easy to read. There are different concepts to learn before 
starting to code in PHP OOP, likes: classes, objects, methods, 
properties, and constructors. 
When we talk about programming, exists different ways to code: 
Procedural Programming and Object-Oriented Programming. Procedural 
Programming was chunks of code trying to achieve a single purpose into a 
function, then we name the function with related name and call back after. In 
OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) we create Classes, then create Objects 
(instance of the Class) from the class we created. The OOP helps to improve 
our code and make easier insert new code or functionalities inside the existing 
source code, because we can write new code instancing the Class created; and 
we make new Classes and Objects for different purposes too. 
Object Data Programming uses different concepts that we need understand 
to use later. We can find these concepts: 
A. Class 
Is like a blueprint or a template that we create to achieve a purpose. Here, 
we can define methods or properties that we need to achieve the functionality 
we want. 
B. Object 
An Object is essentially an instance of a Class. It’s like declaring a variable 
with a string value, integer, or Boolean value. When we declare an Object, we 
already have all the properties or methods of the class. 
C. Methods 
Are basically functions. Like how you write a function in procedural 
programming. There are functions to achieve something be it connecting 
to a database, fetching data from a database, or maybe writing a function 
to consume a REST API. 
D. Properties 
Are like attributes. When we write a Class, we want the class to have 
a value of something (width, height, color…) 
E. Constructor 
The constructor helps to run a function whenever we create an Object 
of the Class. 
F. Access Modifiers 
This access modifiers allows to access to properties or methods in 
class. These modifiers can be public, private, or protected. 
 The OOP was a different way to code different web or desktop software. It is a 
subjective opinion for the use of this different ways to code (and depends on the 
circumstances). The author does not state that one way is better than the other, 
however, he recommends that new coders learn to use OOP because it is vitally 
important to know both ways of coding. 
In the case of this article, it shows us how to use object-oriented 
programming on PHP, a language widely used in the development of web 
applications around the world. With this we can implement the written code to 
practice a little and understand the basic concepts to differentiate between one 
method and another. 
Object-oriented programming can be found in many programming 
languages, offering many alternatives to writing functionalities or code 
implementations to obtain a certain function within our application. Some of 
these languages that can use OOP are C++, Java, Python, PHP, C#, Kotlin, 
TypeScript, Per, Ruby, Objective C, and a few more. 
 This is an example of procedural programming: 
Fig 1. Procedural Programming Example 
 We have a lineal structure, defining functions declaring variables and calling 
 Then, we have the traditional method for programming different functions or 
apps to make different activities or obtain different results. 
In the Fig 2, we can see the difference of the OOP with different structure. 
Fig 2. OOP Structure. 
What is a constructor? Is a special function that we declare in Class with 
the name __construct ()? Is a function that will always get call automatically 
every time we create an instance of a Class? Check the Fig. 3 and let’s see the 
Fig. 3 Constructor example. 
 We have three arguments in the Class. We only have to declare like so 
$rasyue = new Rasyue(‘args1’, ‘args2’). The Constructor that we define in 
Rasyue will in turn set three properties of the class to the value of the three 
inputs that we pass in during the instantiation of the class. 
The OOP it is a useful method for the coding of functions that we need in the 
same object or establish different functions for each object in the code. 
In addition, it allows us to save code and the easy insertion of new lines of 
code that allow other functionalities to be carried out within the code that 
already exists. Later, we can find that by having objects that have the same 
attributes, it is only necessary to call them from another page to reuse the 
elements that we need. 
[1] Rasyad (2020) Learn Object-Oriented Programming in PHP. 
[Online]. Available: https://medium.com/swlh/object-oriented-programming-in-

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