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Actividad 13 - jojeen 13

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Actividad 13
Tamayo Ayala Valeria
Olguin Nila Lorena
A world without medicine 
What your lives would be like if you didn't have medicine, doctors, and hospitals.
Life expectancy would be shorter, there would be less population, there would also be more disease risks and more ill people.
What would your lives be without vaccines, penicillin or surgeries?
 In the case of vaccines and penicillin; there would be more virus and bacteria-related deaths, with higher risk of pandemics. And people won't be able to combat diseases. Without surgeries, people who had accidents (car accidents, knife accidents, attempt of suicide, etc) would die, also people with cancer and asphama. Pregnant woman would have higher risk of more pain and they could die if not treated properly. Also plastic surgery wouldn't exist, rip the kardashians.
How long would you live? 
Around 45
Medicine Today
What medicine is capable of right now? 
Saving lives, recovering a person, reducing a person’s pain, prevention of diseases, genetic modification, genetic insemination, keep a person in coma after an accident, giving hope, give anesthesia so the patient doesn't feel pain, organ donation, treat mentally ill people.
What medical research made this possible?
Scientific research, animal testing, genetic research, chemical investigation, bacteria and virus investigation, research of healing plants, anatomic research, diagnostic analysis, etc
Write your conclusion.
We believe that medicine has an important role in our lives and will keep improving in the future. Thanks to the research made by previous investigators and doctors we can know live our lives knowing great medical treatment has our back. Also, neuromedicine help us a lot with mental problems and diseases like the down syndrome
Future advances in medicine according to neuromedicine
What diseases do you think doctors will diagnose, treat, and prevent?
In the future we will prevent mental or genetic diseases such as the lack of chromosomes in fetus, and people will be able to be treated them from the womb or opt to abort if you know they come with a disease. It will allow for a more precise tumor resection through neuronavigation. It will be able to immediately detect post operative or intraoperative complications.
What problems would be solved and what new issues would scientists face?
The world will always encounter new neurotic diseases and problems, so future scientist will have to deal with that. Maybe people will deal with more stress and madness depending on the living situations of the future. Neurological and biological modified human weapons that doesn't hurt. Mental chips in our brains when we are born.
Write your conclusions.
Neuromedicine helps a lot in medical advances and it is a very important area of investigation about various diseases, but it can also be very dangerous since it works with our brains. Also the brain is something we will never get to know totally.